October 23, 2011

I Was Tagged..

kena serang. alamak..:face43:tak ada lah nina kena tag dengan adik farahin ni ha. thanks for tagging me:119:

main benda ni ada rules dia tau :
You must post these rules.
Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. And create 11 new questions for the people you tagged to answer.
You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them to the post.
Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.
No tag backs.
No stuff in the tagging section about 'You are tagged if you are reading this' you legitimately (a.k.a really, trust, with all honesty) have to tag 11 people.
11 things about me :

:95:my name is Ruqaiyah Amanina Zulkipli

:95:born on 18 Julai 1991

:95:stay in Pahang but study at KL

:95:i currently studying Diploma in Accountancy UiTM at KPTMKL

:95:have 2 brothers and 3 sisters (saya anak last = ke 6)

:95:i love cat (kat rumah ada kucing parsi)

:95:i like to windows shopping, online shopping, blogging, online social network

:95:favourite colour is green, blue

:95:i am happy-go-lucky, loyal, friendly

:95:i hate copycats, liar and so on

:95:i love Allah, my family, my friends and my love

ha siap pun, sekarang tiba masanya jawab soalan dari adik farahin pula :

1. What is your nickname?
nina, sometime everyone call me na or ina
2. Who is your best friends?
hanum, zaini, leen
3. Facebook, Twitter or Blogger?
all i have
4. Do you have a pet?
yes, it cats
5. K-Pop or J-Pop lovers?
i like K-Pop just fur fun but not to obsessed
6. Do you have a twin?
7. Do you hate or love copycats?
of course HATE

8. Love me or hate me?
hehe love you la ;)

9. Do you have a Lappy or iPad 2?
yes my own lappy
10. What is your wishlist?
a lots but more important is i want to be successfull person
11. Your favourite bloggers?
lettha, adik aida, and all my followers
ribbon and flower
my question to who i tagged :D
1. Do you like iceream?
2. What is your ambition?
3. Canon or Nikon, what is your choice ? Why ?
4. Do you like or hate my blog?
5. When you will study before exam?
6. Do you have/has bestfriends ? Who?
7. What type of lappy your use?
8. What are you doing during weekend?
9. What country would you go? Korea or anothers?
10. List 3 things that you do not forget to bring everywhere?
11. Do you are active person?
i want tagged :
yeah im done:119:fuh akhirnya. korang pula yang kena buat..:face64:


Thank you for comment. Come again :)

Seseorang yang menggunakan applikasi dengan memulakan penghantaran apa-apa komen, permintaan, cadangan atau komunikasi lain yang lucah, sumbang, palsu, mengancam atau jelik sifatnya dengan niat untuk menyakitkan hati, menganiayai, mengugut atau mengganggu orang lain; atau tanpa mendedahkan identitinya dan dengan niat untuk menyakitkan hati, menganiayai, mengugut atau mengganggu mana-mana orang di mana-mana nombor atau alamat elektronik, adalah melakukan satu kesalahan dan boleh didenda tidak melebihi RM 50,000.00 @ dipenjarakan selama tempoh tidak melebihi 1 tahun @ kedua-duanya.